Developed a theme and organization for a short running exhibit that would be at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. This show would be about the American coal miner and their family in the early to mid 1900s. Walking visitors through the need for coal, an experiential experience of how it felt riding down the elevator and working in the mines. Next they would see and learn about the struggles and stories of the miner, his wife and lastly the children. Creating a full circle experience. I created a promotional strategy and campaign with photos that I took to be used. The thinking behind these photos was to use striking close up photos of miners on a large scale that would draw the viewer into the photo. These promotional posters would be placed in large cities on the east coast as in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and D.C. At different locations within the cities they would be displayed, for example in airports, bus and train stations, and on the sides of buildings. I then designed a gallery guide that would be available to guests to help walk them through the show. The guide has images that are in the exhibit, a map/layout, and descriptions of each room.